Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Unlimited Embrace.

Contact of a friend led to another friend,
supple entwinement through the living mass
Which for all that I knew might have no end,
Image of an unlimited embrace.
Thomas Gunn,"The Missing"

That's how I felt about gay weblogs. Yesterday Persianblog closed almost all of active persian gay weblogs.


"Although, perhaps he should not be worrying about what happened to the world. He could renounce the world, could resign from human race any time he wished. If he never went outside, if he never open up that door, then it would make no difference to him what the world might do or what might happen to it. For he had a world. He had a greater world than anyone outside this house had ever dreamed about. He did not need the Earth."
Clifford D. Simak,"The Way Station"

... And since it seems (at least I really hope), closed weblogs must move to Blogspot, you can find a collection of Persian templates for Blogger at Gardoon site. With these templates writing Persian in Blogspot becomes very simple.